Recess Wiki
Recess Wiki

LWenHui LWenHui 22 November 2024

Can I upload images with no Toon Disney UK/Disney Channel UK screenbug?

Can I upload images with no Toon Disney UK/Disney Channel UK screenbug? Like the ones in Disney Plus?

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LWenHui LWenHui 19 November 2024

Found Recess episodes on Toon Disney USA (not Toon Disney UK/Disney Channel UK)

Recess episodes (with Toon Disney USA screenbug) found

  • Fort Tender
  • Germ Warfare
  • My Fair Gretchen
  • Speedy, We Hardly Knew Ye

Found it in the link:

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LWenHui LWenHui 19 November 2024

Can I add Recess images with no screenbug?

Can I add Recess images with no screenbug? Abstracted from Disney Plus.

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What’s The Girl’s Name?

I don’t know what the girl’s name is.

what’s her name?

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GreenTheBest GreenTheBest 28 January 2024


im new here

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Josh247tyson Josh247tyson 11 December 2022

My thoughts of the episode Yes Mikey, Santa Does Shaved

I've had some thoughts of this Christmas episode. I hate it when Randall Weems told the Recess Gang that Santa Claus is not real. But Santa Claus is real in our hearts.❤️


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Josh247tyson Josh247tyson 11 November 2022

My thoughts of Gus' Last Stand

I have some thoughts of Gus' Last Stand. I didn't like how Gelman is picking on Gus for no reason.

I'm glad that Gus took his father's advice.

Three things he tried to avoid Gelman but failed:

  1. Sticking close to his friends
  2. Telling the teacher
  3. Wearing a disguise

It's better to stand up to a bully, rather than fight back or being peaceful. Violence/fighting is NEVER the answer and doesn't solve anything.

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Josh247tyson Josh247tyson 10 November 2022

My thoughts of The Break-Up episode

I have some thoughts about the episode The Break-Up in Season 2.

When I first saw the episode, I didn't like how Vince, Spinelli, Gretchen, Mikey and Gus argued about whose best friend TJ is. It was very mean how they didn't want to be friends with him anymore and block him from sitting with them. I don't think that it's TJ's fault about how he couldn't decide.

Im glad the gang was back together and all apologized to each other for being mean towards one another.

  • A kid who is the most athletic and popular kid who could hang out with anybody, but chooses to hang out with T.J.
  • A kid who is so smart, she could possibly build an atom bomb- but uses her brain to help him when he's down
  • A kid who is so tough, she could take down someone twice her siz…
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Josh247tyson Josh247tyson 24 October 2022

My Favorite song of Recess: Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen

I love listening to this song from Recess. Nobody knows the trouble I've seen.

I've heard this song before from The Lion King by Zazu.

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 29 July 2022

Recess Stories; Rigelli's Masterpiece

Rigelli and her friends were playing basketball when Dawson plopped the ball in her face. This made Rigelli attack Dawson, but Mickey restrained her. Rigelli promised to be calm, but still attacked Dawson. After her friends reprimanded her, Rigelli stormed off. She first attacked the Megan's clubhouse, then destroyed some chalk. Rigelli then saw Sesame Boy doing chalk drawing and helped him with it, but she really got into it.

Soon, the gang found her drawing. When they stood on top of Ol' Crusty, the drawing was strange and wonderful, according to Mickey. They then invited other children to look at it. Scammer Kid even sold off Rigelli's math art drawings. There were even students from Woodfleet Art College.

However, Mr Boyd found it and de…

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Tggtt Tggtt 22 March 2022

Happy Birthday to Gretchen 2022

After one year, I am here once again to remind you that according to Outcast Ashley, Gretchen Grundler's birthday is on March 23rd.

There is apparently no other known birth-date among other characters.

This means she would be 2A years old today. This was certainly caused by the duodecimal system.

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 21 February 2022

Recess Stories; Economics of Recess

CJ was heading back to school after being sick for a week, complaining about doing long division. When she got to school, her friends welcomed her back and explained that Rigelli took over as leader while CJ was sick.

Just before entering, a guard grabbed CJ's arm and asked for 3 stickers, which Vance gave. The gang explained that the latest craze are Lazestickers, which are stickers of lazy characters, like Lazycus and Lazy the dwarf. When CJ was about to drink at the water fountain, another guard asked for 2 stickers, which Vance paid for again. The gang then saw Brinklow being popular and they said that Brinklow has friend stickers.

At Recess, Mickey gave CJ a single Lazesticker, which was of Lazycus. After school, they found that Morriso…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 18 February 2022

Recess Stories; Some Friend

The Recess Gang were late for assembly, but they made it, however they were caught by Brinklow and forced out. They had detention where they had to watch assembly on TV. They then had to do a spelling test.

The Gang were upset at Brinklow, but then they remembered a Senorita Fuchion event they were attending that weekend. Everyone did the cartoon call-out, except CJ. Her friends wondered why. She said she wouldn't be attending the event that weekend.

The rest of the gang tried to get why out of their friend the next day, but she refused to let it out. She actually did her homework that evening. Who was that girl.

On Friday night, they saw CJ buying a present at Morrison's, which she said was for a different friend and left. Rachel then came i…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 18 February 2022

Recess Stories; Operation Field Trip

Every child at 98th Street School were going on a field trip that was treated like a military operation. They were going to their favourite zoo, Magi-Zoo. On Miss Ropey's bus, the one where Eartha was driving, Miss Ropey had them singing This Old Man until they were bored of it.

When Greta had predicted they were halfway to Magi-Zoo, the bus suddenly broke down. When Eartha checked inside it, smoke came out, making all the kids panic. There would be a replacement bus which would take 5 hours.

CJ suggested to Miss Ropey that she let everyone off the bus for a while, which she agreed to. Vance wondered where they are. Greta deduced they were at an abandoned school. CJ pulled cloth off a sign that said Holgates School of Cars.

The kids watched E…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 28 January 2022

Recess Stories: Principal For A Day

Brinklow was at a stall waiting for nominations for being Principal for a Day, which Rachel put a lot in and Brinklow announced that Rachel could win.

CJ was waiting to kick a kickball with a metal shoe, but when she did so, she sent it through Principal Prickly’s window. She tried to escape, but Mr Boyd caught her. Prickly had her sign something CJ reluctantly did while saying “This A-wors.” When she left, Mr Boyd suggested that CJ be Principal For A Day and reminded Prickly that Brinklow was quite like CJ when he was “randomly” chosen. Brinklow then brought Prickly his mint, which he accepted.

At assembly, CJ was in fact chosen to be Principal, much to Rachel’s shock. The next day, CJ promised to be “the kid’s Principal Charming.” In the m…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 28 January 2022

Recess Stories: Bad Hair Day

CJ, Greta And Rigelli were going somewhere for girls, which the boys felt was unfair. Then one kid said “That Mickey kid’s going for it again,” Turned out Mickey was trying to blow the biggest bubble from bubble gum. But one kindergartener popped it before Vance could stop it. Now Mickey’s head was covered with gum.

”He’s his own medicine,” one kid shouted, then everyone laughed. Mickey freaked out since this meant that his parents would ground him for a month. Russ offered to cut his hair, which Mickey reluctantly agreed to.

Russ DID cut Mickey’s hair (and called himself “Mr. Roose” while doing it) but Mickey didn’t like it. Rachel spotted it and Russ told her to tell him he has a good cut, which she did while adding she heard that the ban…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 23 December 2021

Recess Stories; The Game

One day, a poor kid ran outside the 98th Street playground and threw a film into the playground, which Russ found. He showed his friends and Greta explained it was the film and playing sets of Abimko, which kids become addicted to. Mickey got frightened of and CJ unknowingly threw it in the Digger's hole. Jade and Pam went to Morrison's to get more of the films and playing sets and soon, EVERYONE gets into playing it, even Rachel. Soon the playground became quiet.

Even CJ's friends get into it, one by one, so CJ tries to join them, but everyone had become so addicted to the game they had become zombies. They surround CJ, chanting You WILL play, until the kindergartners come kicking a ball, at which point, everyone remembers what they used t…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 16 December 2021

Recess Stories; The Tooth Fairy Incident

One night, back when the Recess gang was in 1st Grade, Mikey had been to the dentist because one of his grown-up teeth was growing over a baby tooth. The next day, the baby tooth came out and Mikey was writing his letter to the Tooth Fairy, even asking his teacher, Miss Barr, for ideas. The problem was, none of his friends believe in the Tooth Fairy, so Mikey invited them to a sleepover to his house.

When the gang came round, Mikey revealed his intention; his friends were to stay up awake until the Tooth Fairy came. Sure enough, the Tooth Fairy DID come. She gave Mikey 1 dollar and introduced herself to his friends; that her name is Toothclod and she lives in a temple. She then magically poofed away.

The next day, the gang were extremely tir…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 2 December 2021

Recess Stories; The Trial

One Recess, the kids were having a dirt-clod war, when the Recess Gang heard a painful scream nearby. It was Rachel, who had been hit by a rock. When Rigelli came, Rachel blamed HER for throwing the rock. Most of the student body turned on Rigelli.

The next day, the Megans suggested giving Rigelli a swirley, but Queen Barb said there will be a trial first. At the trial, Greata acted as the jury. CJ insisted that Rigelli tell the true story, but she refused. Rachel told HER story, but CJ said it couldn't possibly be true. Greta called Mickey to the stand, who said similar to Rachel, then cried and said that war is NOT a game.

CJ then called Rigelli to the stand, then her friends told her that it's not right to let people give her a swirley s…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 26 November 2021

Recess Stories: 6th Grade Christmas

It is Christmas at 98th Street School. Queen CJ and King Vance and their friends Rigalli, Greta, Mickey and Rus are busy decorating for it. Rus is helping his girlfriend Library Kid and his fifth grade friend Sesame Boy. Mickey finds his old friend, Stewart, and he promises to get HER something for Christmas.

When Mickey is at home on Christmas Eve, he helps his family decorate the tree. Suddenly, there was a little rat-a-tat at the door. Mickey opened it to find a stray abandoned cat. It had white fur and was male. The Beaver family decide to take it in. Mickey then spent the night watching his favourite show Tomas and Friends with the cat, deciding to call him Fuffley.

On Christmas Day, Mickey found Stewart and took her home to meet Fuffle…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 24 November 2021

Recess Stories: Middle School

It is the end of 6th grade for CJ and her friends. King Vance and Queen CJ coronate 5th grader Kyle Haunttowers as the new King. CJ and Rigelli go to Spyro B. Agold Middle School to start 7th grade, only to find that the school was being run by Dr. Hetter (who they opposed in the episode Prickly Is Leaving). Mickey reunites with his old music teacher, along with her husband, who also oppose Dr. Hetter.

They managed to create a scenario where Dr. Hetter broke down and surrendered, making him leave the school in shame. Mickey’s music teacher became the new head of the middle school.

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 16 November 2021

Recess Stories: Rumour Mill

Everyone kept pushing Mickey around one Recess. His friends were sick of him being a pushover, but Mickey was “used to stuff like this by now.”

The next day, Mickey said he “slept like a baby.” When he passed the swings, Dill was scared of him for some reason and offered him his swing, when the previous day, he has snatched it from him. The rest of the gang were confused by this, so Dill told them he heard a rumour that at school the day before, some girl knocked crisps out of Mickey’s hands, so Mickey pushed the girl into the boy’s bathroom, which took Mickey by surprise. Dill said he heard it from Rachel, so the gang went to confront her, despite Mickey’s protests that he wasn’t bothered by rumours. Rachel said that Digger Rachel told her…

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JustMeJordanW JustMeJordanW 7 November 2021

The Recess Gang of The Future

What do you guys think of The Recess Gang of The Future?

This was taken from the show's third season episode "A Career to Remember".

I've seen the episode a while back and I thought it was pretty interesting seeing the members of The Recess Gang being depicted as adults with careers.

A couple of things I didn't like about it though were Mikey being depicted as a bard/minstrel and Spinelli's negative behavior.

The first reason is that his parents were dressed as hippies. The second reason is that he was seen meditating with Guru Kid in the show's second season episode "The Break-Up". The third reason is that he was dressed as a hippie in the "My Green Tambourine" music video at the end of School's Out. The fourth and last reason is that Spinell…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 1 November 2021

Recess Stories: The Gashonie Kids

One Recess, CJ and Vance were reading The Gashonie Kids. It was about a girl and a boy who solved mysteries. They decided THEY wanted to solve mysteries too, despite Greta telling them that it’s a difficult task.

At lunch, the 2 kids could smell strawberry jam pudding. They also wondered why Mr Boyd was leaning towards the hot food. Suddenly, a janitor “accidentally” bumped into them and was rude to them. They wondered where Harry was. They interrogated Rachel and she told them that the janitor’s name was Gaylord Ramon and he was substituting for Harry.

They asked for Gaylord’s record and Brinklow only let them have it after Rigelli threatened to beat the snot out of him. They also found a bubble gum wrapper with the numbers 19 16 and 25 on …

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 1 November 2021

Recess Stories: Bonny Fever

Note: Since it’s my birthday this Wednesday, I figured I might as well do this story about Mickey Beaver’s birthday to promote it.

Mrs Beaver took Mickey to the bus stop as she checks what he has for school, “Book bag, lunch money, tissue, underpants.” She then reminded him that it was his 10th birthday that Wednesday (because it’s MY birthday that day) so starting Thursday, he can wait for the bus on his own, which made him miss his mom doing stuff for him.

At Recess, Mickey’s friends talk about what they will do when THEY turn 10. They then see Mickey watching the Kindergarteners. When the bell rang, the kindergarteners rush past and Mickey notice that one of them had dropped their sippy cup. He noticed that it was modelled after Bonky the …

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Sgt.Pepper91 Sgt.Pepper91 15 October 2021

One Piece-Related Topic

I don't know if there are any One Piece fans here, but if there are, I'd to pose a question. If T.J. and the gang were big fans of One Piece, who would their favorite Straw Hats be? I'll start with my picks.




Mikey-Sanji or Brook


Gretchen-Robin or Chopper

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 31 August 2021

Recess Stories: The Pest

Miss Ropey’s class were reading out of a textbook, when Greta kept being prodded by Godfrey Darkssage, who was sitting behind her. She kept getting in trouble just for saying « OW! »

At Recess, Greta complained to her friends about it, so her friends confronted Godfrey about it. At first, Godfrey denied it, but then said it was because he loved Greta, then he shouted that out loud for everyone to hear. This led to all the students singing « Greta and Godfrey, Sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. »

Eventually, Godfrey became equally annoying, making Greta chocolate pudding. Greta tried to correct everyone’s beliefs by telling them it was a one-sided crush, but they just mocked her instead. All of the students kept singing « Greta has a boyfriend…

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AubreeRubble AubreeRubble 16 August 2021

Happy 25th Anniversary to Possibly the First Recording Day of Recess Ever!

Hello everyone, today is the 25th anniversary of when Recess had its first possible recording day ever. The first take was heard during the beginning of the Recess Gag Reel, and it had differences to the final version of "The Break In" since it was pitched as a pilot and does not have additional removals and revisions at the time. There may be some other recordings that are also recorded on that date as well. Well, that's all I can talk for now. Hope you have a great day, and stay safe.

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 7 August 2021

Recess Stories: The Shiner

CJ’s parents were driving her to school one day. Mrs Rottweiler says that everyone will be amused when they find out what happened to her eye the previous weekend. When CJ arrived to school and met her friends, they all asked what happened to her eye, but she refused to tell. Her friends then all came to the conclusion that she had been a hero, which Rachel overheard and told everyone.

Everyone treated CJ like a hero, even Miss Ropey and the gym teacher. Shulman even gave him cookies, so CJ agreed to all this treatment. Queen Barb knighted her Dame CJ the Brave. Then there was a ceremony, in which kids gave her gifts. Sesame Boy gave her a sesame which was in the shape of Baberaham Lincoln (the female version of Abraham Lincoln). CJ was abo…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 17 July 2021

Recess Stories: Dawson and his Crew

Towards the end of term, Queen Barb was giving the Recess Gang medals for foiling the Superintendent’s plan to make them were school uniform. Dawson was jealous, HE wanted that glory, so he fired his 2 team mates and recruited Craig Jones, Swinger Boy, Marsh the Worst, Brinklow and Rachel to be in his version of the Recess Gang. Brinklow introduced them to the main gang after they calmed down a war between 2nd and 3rd graders.

Eventually, Dawson’s new crew started being one step ahead of the gang, from pulling a prank how Mr Boyd to peaceful protesting against the ban on chocolate waffles, which they got glory for, to which Miss Ropey clapped to. Soon, they did everything the gang could have done, like setting up a stall for cootie shots. D…

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Tggtt Tggtt 5 June 2021

The Game is Released!

June 6 is Paul Germain's birthday! To celebrate this special day, I decided to release The Game today!

The Game is called Ajimbo and appeared the first time in the episode written by Peter Gaffney. However, after this episode, there are only some minor references.

It is possible that no one knows how to play it, I am hoping someone manages to play my implementation and learn something else about it.

I have been planning to develop it for several months, but I managed to do so during this week.

Do not worry, no one is going to become addicted to it, it is barely playable.

Enjoy it here:

Update: I released the source as CC-by-SA, just like the wiki. Now you can reuse the graphics here as well if you wish: https://…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 21 May 2021

Recess Stories: The Dudette

The Recess Gang were heading into the vicinity of 98th Street School when they noticed a woman swinging on the swings. Mickey wondered if she was “Swinger Boy’s mom.” They went up to her and she said it was “good to be back at good Ol’ 98th Street Elementary,” and said her name was Frankie Dudettecow, which CJ recognised as the name of her heroine. Suddenly the bell rang, which Frankie recognised. Russ wasn’t sure who this “Dudettecow girl” was. CJ took Russ to the pavement and pointed to a patch which read “Smallfoot Boyd was here.” Russ remarked that Miss Dudettecow had to have gone to Bowland Wild Boar Park to be Prankster Princess, which CJ confirmed and glorified over the fact that she shook her hand.

In class, Miss Ropey introduced Mi…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 12 May 2021

Recess Stories: The Girl Was Trouble

One Recess, Mr Boyd gathered all the students in line to seek out a “culprit.” This culprit turned out to be Greta Grobler. Her friends tried to convince Mr Boyd that Greta is the best kid in school, but Greta claimed that she was “nothing but trouble.” Mr Boyd then took her to Miss Orange’s office, where Rita Bassey was waiting. She asked Greta what she did to get into trouble. Greta hesitated, but then began to tell her:

It all started on Greta’s birthday, where she was given a personal computer, on which there was a brainy ogre called Cooper, which she loved. Greta took Cooper to school with her, where she showed her friends and even had it tell Miss Ropey to repeat a question slower. She even played chess with it.

But one Recess, she ask…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 10 May 2021

Lottie Danger

Lottie Danger is Dottie Deidger’s 98th Street School counterpart. She is an grumpy old lady who loved to do dangerous stuff in her youth, as her name suggests, and thus she is a retired stunt double

Whenever a ball gets kicked into her yard, she would put it in her shed to keep it safe and thus, her yard is known as “The Yard of No Return.” Because she did dangerous things, and because she wore a radiation suit, she was known as a “dangerous robot” to the kids at the school next door.

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Sylviparda Sylviparda 14 April 2021

Recess Collection

I just thought I share my little Recess collection with you guys. I hope you like it :)

It contains:

  • The four official plush dolls (T.J., Vince, Gretchen and Gus)
  • Two custom plush dolls (Spinelli and Mikey)
  • An originally hand signed poster by the creators Paul and Joe
  • Recess: The Experiment book

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Tggtt Tggtt 22 March 2021

Happy Birthday to Gretchen 2021

After one year, I am here once again to remind you that according to Outcast Ashley, Gretchen Grundler's birthday is on March 23rd.

This means she would be 33 years old today...

This also implies that Galileo would be at least 23 years old now.

I wonder how it would look disassembled! Would it look like this:

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 19 March 2021

Recess Stories: Call Me Ray

Harold was rushing to give his “safety man,” Russ, a note. When he saw him, he ran, but tripped up over his laces. Russ tied his shoes for him and Harold said that his mom wants him to pick him up that Thursday. Kids then pushed him and his glasses fell in the drain and Harry had to get them out. Everyone started to like him without his glasses and think he’s a new kid. Eventually, Harry got the glasses and told Russ “on your face or in your case.”

Russ decided that night he was going to be “cool” from then on. And his name’s not Russ.

The next morning, Russ came to school looking cool, threw his glasses on the roof and told his friends to call him “Ray.” That day at school, they were learning about myths surrounding Boars, but Ray misread i…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 18 March 2021

Recess Stories: Outcast Aubree

The Recess Gang were on their way to school and waiting for Greta to join them. When she finally came, she was in a big box. When asked about it, she said she was hoping to make it into a periscope to see the sunset. When they went to school, they saw the Aubrees (excluding Aubree E) outside wearing pink. They asked Greta if she was “sending herself to Planet Nerdoid.” Finally, Aubree E arrived but wearing blue.

The Aubrees reminded her that Pink Day marked the anniversary of when they met; they were wearing pink that day. They banished her from the clubhouse as well. Aubree E tried to join the Megans, but they were rude to her. Aubree E then met Greta, who was working on her periscope and lent her help. Over time, Aubree and Greta became f…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 16 March 2021

Recess Stories: Jacques’s Old Folk’s Home

Mickey was waiting for CJ to come to tell them some news. Finally CJ came, so Mickey was about to tell them that he was thinking of taking them to see the old folks at Jacques’s Old Folks Home over the weekend, but CJ tells them that there is a Senorita Fuchion fest. Mickey tried to convince them into going to Jacques, until he went as far as to manipulate them. CJ then agreed to do so for half an hour.

When they went and knocked on the door, an old man told them to go away, but it turned out he thought they were salespeople. He introduced himself as Jacques, the owner of the Old Folk’s Home. Each member of the Gang got different people, Rigelli got Jacques. One woman bored CJ with a story about her being in WW2 with 2 commanding officers, …

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 16 March 2021

Recess Stories: Sphinx Barb

One Recess, there was a fight going on. Mickey wanted Queen Barb to stop it, but it was amusing Barb. Barb then mentioned Queen Wendy, who was Queen was Barb was in 1st grade, between Queen Xandra and Queen Jaqueline, but no one seemed to remember them, which lowered Barb’s self-esteem.

In class, Barb’s teacher mentioned that sphinxes had pyramids built so everyone would remember them, which inspired her. Queen Barb announced to the kids that they were going to build a pyramid, which everyone was looking forward to, and Barb chose Greta to supervise. Greta went to the library to borrow a book about Ancient Egypt. When they started, Russ was worried about getting his clothes messy, so Mickey told him to turn his clothes inside out.

Four days …

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 16 March 2021

Recess Stories: The Pale Kids

One Recess, the Recess Gang were playing kickball against Eric Dawson. Dawson kicked the ball and CJ moved to catch it, which she did, but broke her arm in the process.

After lunch, Mr Boyd said she had to got to Room 101. Dawson laughed at this, because this meant she had to spend Recess with the “Pale Kids,” who were the kids who choose to stay inside during Recess. Dawson told everyone about Tiny Jaywick who got sent to Room 101 and the Pale Kids “got” him.

CJ went to Room 101 where the Pale Kids were playing a Princess board game. They invited her to play. They got their Princess or Prince names by reciting their names backwards. Flint was “Prince Tniff,” Stephanie was “Princess Einahpets,” Carly was “Princess Ylrac,” and Randy was “Prin…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 15 March 2021

Recess Stories: Kindergarten Derby

One Recess, Queen Barb announces the yearly Kindergarten Derby, which everyone was looking forward to, except for Mickey. When it came time to select a kindergartener, Barb picked Hubert, the fastest, but Mickey protested, saying that the kindergarteners shouldn’t be treated like cattle and walked off.

Soon, a fat kindergartener ran up toward him. His name was Chubby and he was training. He wanted Mickey to train him and to be his “big brother,” which Mickey agreed. CJ and the gang had Sandy. Mickey kept insisting that winning isn’t important and he just wants Chubby to finish. He also told Chubby why he hated the Derby, because he was the only one who actually won the Derby and everyone assumed he cheated.

When the Derby finally came, every…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 12 March 2021

Recess Stories: The Substitute

One day, Miss Ropey was teaching something ahead of time. She said it was because she was hiring a substitute to teach her class while she was ill. The Recess Gang were looking forward to that.

The next day, the class were preparing for this teacher. Principal Prickly introduced them to her: Miss U. She looked quite scared. You could tell she was shook up from other classes she has had to teach. One student rudely asked for her name tag and she cried. Principal Prickly left them with Miss U. When the bell rang for Recess, Miss U emotionally told them all to sit back down. CJ told her it was Recess, a time for break. However, Miss U misunderstood the word “break” and took them to the cafeteria for drinks and snacks, quite like how it is at a…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 12 March 2021

Recess Stories: The Bear/Cow Game

One lunch time, the Recess Gang were “using their imagination” on their lunch. CJ made the word “A-Wors” out of fish sticks. Russ had brought a bagged lunch from home. He had brought cheese on crackers. Just then, Floyd Rickshaw came by, stole Sesame Boy’s sesames and pushed him down to the ground. This angered Russ, so he pushed Rickshaw down to the ground, which made him cry. Mr Boyd then sent all 3 of them to Principal Prickly’s office.

While there, Russ apologised to Sesame Boy for getting him in trouble. Sesame Boy said that he had had cheese on crackers, which was Russ’s favourite as well. Just then, Lieutenant Rimple came in and was about to tell Russ off for knocking Rickshaw down, only for Sesame Boy to point out that Rickshaw push…

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 11 March 2021

Recess Stories: Disney Princess Rachel

One Recess, C.J. was making fun of Queen Barb, which Rachel noticed and told Queen Barb, who had C.J. sent to her. However, instead of telling her off, she congratulated CJ, much to Rachel’s confusion. Rachel then tried to come up with another scam. She bought a spy camera from the local mall and had a good snoop. She then saw Queen Barb dressed like a man and took a picture.

The next day, at Recess, Rachel showed Queen Barb the picture and blackmailed her into making her the Disney Princess of the playground, since she was a fan of the Disney Princesses, her favourite one being Cinderella, since she had learned about COMPUTERella, which Barb obliged.

Everyone was confused as to why Rachel was the Princess, especially the Main 6, so Russ and…

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Sylviparda Sylviparda 27 February 2021

Live Stream: Teenage Recess Gang in The Sims 3

A little bit more than two weeks ago I did a Sims 3 live stream where I revisited the teenage Recess gang, I've once created over six years ago. A few days before the stream I've tried to build the good old Third Street School (not totally accurate, but at least somewhat similar) where the gang lives now. Feel free to watch and comment it if you're interested. Side note: I do not use any mods in The Sims 3.

Here it is (YouTube):

and on Twitch:

I hope you guys like it and feel free to follow me on Twitch if you would like to see more such content, it will definitely not be my last Recess related stream :)

My Twitch channel:

Thank y…

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AubreeRubble AubreeRubble 10 February 2021

One Quick Announcement

Hello everyone! This is just a reminder that the song on the main page will be replaced by "Kids in America" by Kim Wilde on February 12th to celebrate the anniversary of Recess: School's Out. This is also to dedicate its first anniversary of Jason Davis' death due to his exact death on its anniversary of the movie. By February 23rd, "Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In" by The 5th Dimension will be back to replace the song. That is all for the announcement! Stay safe, and have a great day!

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Beverlyjones Beverlyjones 3 January 2021

Recess Stories: More Like Greta

One Recess, Rigelli had an announcement; that her mother was taking her to a girl’s toy shop called GIRL’Z TOY’Z R UZ and she wanted someone to go with her. None of the boys wanted to, so Rigelli asked Greta to go with her.

At the toy shop, Rigelli, her parents and Greta were looking at the Shrek princess dolls and Mrs Rigelli pulled down the Cinderella doll. Greta explained that Cinderella shouldn’t have been shown as a Princess in the 1st Shrek film since she was only one by marriage, which Mrs Rigelli applauded her on. Rigelli was uninterested, so Mrs Rigelli told her to “open her mind,” like Greta, and said she needed to be “more like Greta.”

At home, the family were watching wrestling, but then the TV went off and Greta fixed it. Mr Rig…

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AubreeRubble AubreeRubble 1 January 2021

Song Schedule for 2021

Hello everyone! Starting on New Year's Day 2021, the original version of "Dancing in the Street" will start playing on the main page of the wiki; it will continue until February of next year. Here is the song schedule for next year.

  • January: "Dancing in the Street" (Original version)
  • February: "Aquarius/Let the Sunshine In"
  • March: "Nobody But Me"
  • April: "Incense and Peppermints"
  • May: "Green Tambourine"
  • June: "Born to Be Wild"
  • July: "Wipe Out"
  • August: "Purple Haze"
  • September: Recess Theme Song
  • October: "We Shall Not Be Moved"
  • November: "Dancing in the Street" (Myra Cover)
  • December: Christmas Song Schedule

The wiki's style will be changed shortly after midnight of tomorrow, which is when the new year starts. But anyways, I hope everyone have a great day, a…

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AubreeRubble AubreeRubble 30 December 2020


Hello everyone! It is just a reminder that there are going to be some changes of the wiki next year.

  1. There is going to be a song schedule since both Recess: School's Out and the first development of Recess are going to have anniversaries next year, so stay tuned for that.
  2. There will be more HQ screenshots by next year, but this time, used by Bandicam instead of Snipping Tool. It also helps the images to decrease size since the images will be JPG-based.
  3. The style of the wiki will be Recess: School's Out-themed since it is going to turn 20 in February of next year.

I will post another song schedule tomorrow morning at 9:00 PM EST. That is all for the changes for now. Stay safe, and have a great day!

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