"Call Me Guy" is the tenth episode of the fourth season of Recess, which was first broadcast on September 26th, 1999.
Gus loses his glasses and becomes cool as a swingin' boy named "Guy".
Main Story[]
Hector is running the hallways looking for Gus or "Safety Man". When he finds him, Hector runs over and trips on his untied shoes. While helping Hector onto his feet, Gus warned Hector to always keep your shoes tied and not to run with sharp objects in hand. However, Hector reveals the note was for Gus written by Hector's mother to have Gus walk Hector home on Thursday, to which Gus happily accepts. Right after Hector leaves, several students are walking by pushing Gus, while accidentally knocking his glasses off his head. Gus tries to grab his glasses but they end up falling inside one of the floor vents.
Sometime later, Hank opens up the vent and is reaching for the glasses. While Gus' friends show up while waiting for Gus to get his glasses back, Jordan mistakes Gus as the new student and invites Gus for an audience with King Bob, even though Gus is aware who King Bob is. At first the gang are surprised to see this, however, Ashley A. arrives, she provides "tips" to Gus to not hang out with T.J. and his gang anymore before leaving. The gang now note that without his glasses, Gus looks "cool", according to Gretchen, which Gus seems to love. Hank arrives seconds later returning Gus' glasses while advising to either have a case with him at all times or leave it on his face. While Gus puts his glasses back on, T.J. is relieved and they are ready to play some kickball. Gus decides to stay behind to clean the junk off his lens, while one student calls him "groovy guy".
Later that night, Gus is checking the mirror while thinking that wearing glasses makes him boring while without glasses makes him groovy. He also decides not to be referred to as Gus, after his dad tells him to get to bed.
The following morning, Gus arrives in school striking some poses while walking to the building, much to the students awe, though Gus trips on the stairs in the process. While Gus kept his glasses in his pocket, T.J. and his friends tell him to wear them, but Gus refuses saying that he is now cool without them. He furthers solidify this by throwing his glasses onto the rooftop of the school. When T.J. asked if this was a good idea, Gus responds by telling the gang to call him, "Guy."
However, without his glasses, it becomes a disaster. Gus crashes into a recycle bin which he thought was his desk. When class begins, Miss Grotke assigns the students on Greek Myths, which Gus misreads as "Green Mints." At recess, he had to use the railing to walk down the stairs due to his blurry vision, mistakes King Bob as a girl, though King Bob lets this error slide. At lunchtime, he has a dish consisting of strawberry syrup on his taco and his spaghetti has chocolate ice cream on it, which Mikey admits he would not eat this type of dish combination. Gus falls on the floor due to missing his seat with his friends. While T.J. points out that going through the day without glasses is a bad idea, Gus dismisses it stating that things are looking great due to compliments from students for his cool looks.
At kickball, when Lawson kicks the ball, T.J. warns Gus of the oncoming ball. However, without his glasses, he could not see where the balls is coming from and gets hit in the head as a result. While they do point out that Gus got hit in the head with a ball, five times and Gretchen points out that he could get "serious neurological problems" (e.g., concussion), while Mikey tells Gus to put on his glasses to avoid this problem. Gus, again, refuses stating that not wearing glasses makes him look good and feel good, only to bump into a swing support. Seeing this problem get worse, the gang decides to handle him and make sure he stays safe.
They guided Gus away from a flagpole, had to carry Gus to the boys bathroom instead of to the girls bathroom (though Gus crashes inside), have Mikey be a bridge to prevent Gus from falling into the Diggers' hole. Things get even worse when everyone gets their written reports on Greek Myths back and Gus gets an "F" on his assignment for misreading Greek Myths as "Green Mints".
After school, the gang needed to talk to Gus. They pointed to Gus that kids don't care if he bumps into obstacles, almost fall into a hole or walk into the girls bathroom, which again Gus refuses to listen to their reasoning. Mikey again points out that there's nothing cool about failing grades when the gang points out the "F" on his assignment, to which Gus though it was a "C+" and immediately dismisses it. Gus agains refuses to wear his glasses pointing out that everyone loves "Guy" as without his glasses automatically means he's cool and thus the gang can't make him.
Just then, Hector arrives reminding Gus about having to walk Hector home from school. Hector asked why Gus is no longer wearing his glasses, to which Gus dismisses his concerns as a "big kid thing." At the crosswalk, Gus, not aware of an oncoming car arriving at the curb steps out only for Gus to recognize the car and stops. The driver yells at Gus to be more careful before driving off. Hector gets shocked at first that Gus did not see the car, only to get angry that Gus would yell at his friends, "bump Hector" and crossing the street without looking, calling him "Scary Danger Man." At first Gus feels unconcerned claiming that without glasses, he is always cool and strikes a cocky pose. Hector, refusing to buy this idea, furiously condemns Gus' attitude pointing out that if Gus wore glasses, he's "Safety Man, the coolest kid [Hector] knows" and without them, he's "Scary Danger Man". Fed up with this, Hector storms off home on his own, telling Gus who he truly wants to be.
The following morning, the students are waiting for "Guy" again, only to find that someone is on the rooftop. It is Gus and he gets his glasses back on, only for the students (minus T.J. and the gang) to walk away disappointed. Though ordered by Miss Finster to get down from the rooftops, Gus is revealed to be scared of heights and has trouble climbing back down. Miss Finster orders Randall to fetch Hank and the big ladder. As Gus screams for help, Hector arrives and exclaims to T.J. and friends, "That's my Safety Man!" as the episode ends.
- Coloring/consistency error: Right before "Guy" gets off the school bus, Ashley A. is colored to look like Ashley B.
- Audio error: At the beginning of the episode, Tracey is voiced by E.G. Daily. At the end of the episode, he/she is voiced by Justin Jon Ross.
- Gretchen tells Gus that a trash can is not his desk. However, you can clearly see that Gus crashed into a recycling bin.
- Be yourself.
- Being popular means nothing if you continuously endanger yourself and everyone around you.
- If you have eye problems, always wear your glasses or other eye correction devices.
- This is the fifth episode where Gus is shown without his glasses (the first four episodes are "Jinxed", "The Kid Came Back", "Gus' Last Stand", and "One Stayed Clean").
- T.J. Detweiler - Andrew Lawrence
- Vince LaSalle - Rickey D'Shon Collins
- Ashley Spinelli - Pamela Segall-Adlon
- Gretchen Grundler - Ashley Johnson
- Mikey Blumberg - Jason Davis
- Gus Griswald - Courtland Mead
- Miss Finster/Woman - April Winchell
- Miss Grotke - Allyce Beasley
- Hank - Paul Dooley
- Dave - Ryan O'Donohue
- Swinger Girl - Francesca Smith
- King Bob - Toran Caudell
- Cornchip Girl - Aria Noelle Curzon
- Ashley Armbruster/Kid #1 - Anndi McAfee
- Ashley Quinlan - Rachel Crane
- Jordan - Erik von Detten
- Brandon the Singer - Michael Shulman
- Hector/Tracey (At the beginning of the episode) - E.G. Daily
- Gordy/Timmy/Kid #4 - Sam Gifaldi
- Phil - Klee Bragger
- Megan - Kath Soucie
- Kid #2/Kid #3/Tracey (At the end of the episode) - Justin Jon Ross
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