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"Lord of the Nerds" is the tenth episode of the third season of Recess, which was first broadcast on November 6th, 1999.



When T.J. breaks his collarbone during a kickball game, he is forced to stay for five weeks in "Room 51": a room of nerds - colloquially referred to as The Pale Kids - who chose to stay inside during recess.

Main Story[]

In a kickball game where it was the 4th graders vs. 5th graders, Lawson was up to kick, where he says it'll be an easy out. As Lawson kicked the ball, T.J. runs to get it and fell backwards on a bench where the gang is shocked to see T.J''s arm bend the other way (with Lawson more horrified as he sees that T.J. caught the ball, thus making him out.)

The next day at lunch, T.J (with a cast on his arm) revealed that he has to wear this cast for five weeks until his collarbone is healed. As the bell for Recess begins, Ms. Finster stopped T.J. and informs him that students with serious injuries are forbidding to set foot on the playground via school policy and told him he must spent his recess in Room 51 until he is healed. Lawson then couldn't believe that T.J. will spend his recess with the Pale Kids. Gus then asked who the pale kids are and both Vince and Spinelli revealed that the Pale Kids are student at the school who chooses to spend their recess in school and labeled them the uncooliest of the uncool (which Surprised Gus as he thought of himself as Uncool) and Lawson revealed a bit of backstory.

Three years ago, a kid named Tiny Sedgwick got into an accident where he played Pickle with his shoelaces untied, resulted in him in a leg cast but instead of going to recess. Sedgwick was forced to spend recess in room 51, resulted in no one ever seeing him again. After Lawson left laughing, Miss Finster sent T.J. to room 51, where after making it, he encountered four pale skin nerds and they attempted to introduce themselves, only for T.J. to defend himself by showing of a karate move. Later after school Gus and the others wondered if The Pale Kids tried to erase T. J's mind and T.J. then said he did but he manage to scare them off as he plans to continue to ignore them until he is healed.

The next day as The Pale Kids are playing with crystal toys, T.J. was near the corner reading a Señor Fusion comic, when one of them wanted to asked T.J. to play with them, he discovered that they are also Fusion Fans, which made T.J.'s view of them different. The Next Day, T.J. arrived with some more comics, only to learn that on Thursday, The Pale Kids plays Daggers & Dragons and invited T.J. to play, even naming his character J.T. (In the game, their characters are named after them backwards). During a short montage, T.J began to bond with The Pale Kids, from playing with their crystal toys, to checking out their comic collection up to the point where T. J's character reached the castle and manage to defeat the dragon and thus being a level 9 master. To T. J's and the others surprise, his collarbone is healed, meaning the five weeks are up and T.J. will return back outside, but not before Frank and the others wanted to take T.J. somewhere.

Later that night, it was revealed that Frank and the others took T.J. to comic place called "Comicpolis", Also known as The Largest Comic Book Shop, which T.J. never heard of. Upon entering T.J. notice a lot of Pale Kids, including one who wondered who he is, but is frighten away when Frank vouches for him. Frank then told T.J. that he and the others want to buy him a comic as a farewell gift and a gift of friendship. Touched by that T.J. wanted to repay Frank and the other with a gift of his own.

The next day in Recess, T.J is welcome back by the gang, who revealed that they are now in a kickball game between Lawson and the other fifth graders and T.J. is happy to play but explain that he has to wait for his other friends and to the shock of the gang, it was revealed that T.J. invited the pale kids to hang out for a day outside. At first the gang didn't want to, but T.J. explained that The Pale Kids are not so different than the others, Frank then greet him and the other Pale Kids just as he is shocked upon meeting Gretchen, as it seems that to the Pale Kids, she is beautiful and smart.

Just then Lawson and his Gang arrived and sees that T.J. has invited The Pale Kids to play and laughed that they will lose against them. While the Pale Kids do well at first, they still forget a few rules, which causes Lawson to continuously taunt them.

After having enough, Frank finally stands up to Lawson, with T.J. stopping Vince from intervening. Frank and Lawson argue until they ultimately call each other "geeks". Everyone (especially Lawson) is stunned by this, with Frank adding that he says what's right and "calls them like he sees them". Frank proceeds to shock everyone even further when he reveals that HE is Tiny Sedgwick, having grown fond of the inside and thrived with his friend group.

Frank and his crew say their goodbyes to T.J. and go back inside to avoid geeks like Lawson. The rest of the Recess Gang realize that T.J. was right about the Pale Kids after all and he willingly teaches them to do the hand gesture the Pale Kids taught him.


  • Animation/continuity error: When Ashley A. is talking to the other Ashleys, one of Ashley T.'s eyebrows is missing.



  • This episode was paired up with "The Shiner", making it an instance where in two episodes in a row, T.J. was injured somehow.
  • "Room 51" refers to "Area 51," a highly classified remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base located in Lincoln County, Nevada.


  • The Pale Kids all make their first appearances in this episode.
  • This is one of only six episodes of the television show Recess that were directed by both Sheetz and Parkins, the two prominent directors of the series.


  • The episode's title alludes to William Golding's 1954 novel Lord of the Flies, which was adapted into a movie in 1990. One of the novel's characters, Piggy, is ostracized from the rest of the boys in the story due to his physical weaknesses and social ineptness.


International Information[]



Photos The Recess Wiki has a collection of images about Lord of the Nerds