"Officer Mikey" is the sixth episode of the first season of Recess, which was first broadcast on September 27th, 1997.
After witnessing a demonstration on the safety rangers, Mikey wants to become one - only to be told no. The Recess Gang decides to find a loophole and make him one.
Main Story[]
Captain Bradley, the leader of the Safety Rangers, and a few others were giving a presentation. Spinelli whispers to Vince that she is looking for a few good spitballs. Brad points at the kids in the class by asking if any of them up for the challenge, which makes Spinelli yawn, the only one that seemed interested in what Brad was saying was Mikey. Brad announces that to wear the orange belt of honor, to hold high the sacred sign of safety and finally to live by the ancient bio of the safety rangers. Brad snaps his fingers and one of the kids behind him pressed play on a cassette player. He would like to conclude with a moving slide presentation of last year’s safety rangers' graduation, and requests that someone could someone get the lights. Mikey volunteers and jumps up to do just that, but in his haste of excitement he ends up tripping over his desk, sending the projector flying through the head of a safety rangers cardboard cutout, effectively decapitating it, marking all the kids in the class laugh. Mikey apologizes, and Brad gets annoyed at him.
Spinelli says, “1 BLT on Peter going once, going twice and sold to the kid with braces for a portion of his pie (don’t think that’s what she said but I can’t really hear what she says?).” She is doing a lunch auction at recess, there are quite a few students around Spinelli wanting in on it, however Mikey was sitting a bit away looking at the Safety Rangers as the marched across the playground. T.J. is assuring Mikey that there is a double chocolate brownie up for trade and he didn’t even put in a bid. Mikey sighs that it was just a brownie. Spinelli, Vince, Gretchen and Gus repeated what Mikey said. Gretchen says, “98.6, seems normal.” She put her hand onto Mikey's forehead before grabbing his wrist. She thinks pulse is good. Mikey assures that he is okay, and it was just that ever since Captain Brad came to our class this morning all I can think about is them. He was looking over at the Safety Rangers, who was still marching about. Spinelli asks that Mikey means how dumb they look in those goofy uniforms. Mikey says no and he wants to wear one of those goofy uniforms, which means he wants to be a Safety Ranger because if he was a Safety Ranger everything would be different. It is because he wouldn’t just be Mikey, he would be Mikey the Safety Ranger. He would wear the uniform of all the great Safety Rangers who came before me, he would learn the secret hand signs, I’d be the last line of defense between humanity and the evils of technology. Children everywhere would love and adore him, and animals too. It was his dream, to protect and serve, to be respected by all mankind. It is just a fantasy; they’d never take him.
Vince replies that he heard Captain Brad, and Captain Brad and the others are looking for a few good kids. Mikey insists that Vince has got to be cut from a special cloth to be a Safety Ranger. Gus insists that Mikey is cut from a special cloth. Gretchen assures that Mikey is honest, loyal, hardworking and he is the perfect candidate. T.J. says that Captain Brad will be thrilled that Mikey wants to join up and T.J. could hear Brad. However, it didn’t go as the friends had planned, when they walked into Brad and asked him all he did was laugh at them. Brad teases Mikey rudely that he couldn't even cross his own legs without tripping before he starts laughing again. Mikey hopes that is a maybe. Brad answers that it was a never and reminds that he has done to Safety Tim, as he pointed over to the cardboard cutout of the Ranger Mikey had decapitated earlies, it had its head put back on with tape, but it didn’t last long as it fell off again. Brad grumbles that Safety Tim would never be the same. Spinelli insists that it was Mikey's dream. Brad knows her as a Jaywalking punk anarchist. Spinelli starts walking towards Brad she starts lifting her sleeve as a sign that she wants a fight before she is stopped by T.J. T.J. assures Spinelli that Brad doesn't have the right to say who is in and who is out. Brad takes out a book and shows it to the gang, which is the official Safety Rangers handbook and according to this he is the guy handling out the orange belts and he is the guy who decides which kid stands on which corner, and he is the guy who gets to approve on who is in and who is out and since this is not the future dorks of America club, and Mikey is definitely out. Brad starts to lead his fellow Safety Rangers away with a March, because Brad and his fellow Safety Rangers have got their morning drills to finish up.
Spinelli tries to cheer Mikey up, and Gus agrees that it is Brad's loss. Mikey thanks Spinelli and Gus for trying to make him feel better, but it was no use. Mikey thinks being a Safety Ranger is the only thing he ever wanted and now it looks like his dream would never come true. Spinelli has never seen Mikey like this before, and Gus wishes there was something he could do to help him. T.J. explains that if Brad said that Mikey can't be a Safety Ranger, then Mikey can't be a Safety Ranger. Gretchen explains that it was not necessarily. T.J. asks Gretchen where she got a handbook. Spinelli grumbles about Captain Brad and insists that no one calls her a jaywalking pink anarchist. Gus insists that the handbook has to been given back. Spinelli accepts, but she is keeping the watch. Gretchen reads from the book and explains that the point is according to rule #76j, the captain gets to pick who is in and who is out, but according to amendment 76k and I quote ‘the captain maybe be overruled if a potential recruit is personally sponsored by two other guards. Vince agrees but asks that where are he and the gang going to find two guards out of the gang of Safety Rangers to stand up to Brad. T.J. thinks he might know just the guys. He is looking at the Safety Rangers, at the back of the pack were two guys Ronnie and Carl going a bit slower than the rest and Brad is yelling at them.
Just like planned, after school the Recess Gang took Ronnie and Carl to Kelso’s and brought them ice cream. Gretchen ask Ronnie and Carl more nuts, and Spinelli asks them whipped cream. Vince tells them to tell him and the gang of the hot fudge that starts to cool off and nothing worse than cool hot fudge. Carl assures that everything was great, and Ronnie adds that it is really nice of the gang to treat them to all the stuff. Vince comments that they deserve it and standing at those corners all day, helping kids cross back and forth back and forth. T.J. explains to Ronnie and Carl about Mikey who loved to be a crossing guard, much to Ronnie and Carl's shock. Ronnie asks that T.J. is kidding, and Carl worries that Captain Brad would be mad if he and Ronnie went around Mikey. Spinelli tries to convince Ronnie and Carl that it is Mckey's dream. Carl explains that he and Ronnie got a dream too but tells T.J. that he doesn't see anyone going out on a limb for them. T.J. suggests that he and the gang can make their dream come true and asks them to help them. Then Ronnie and Carl agree. T.J. asks them what their dream is. Ronnie and Carl respond that their dream is to sing the National Anthem over the PA at the weekly flag raising ceremony. Vince thinks that he and the gang are dimmed, and T.J. replies that it is not necessarily.
The next day when at school Mikey was still upset about the event of yesterday so he was off on his own, but it was perfect as it gave the other six a chance to make his dream come true, they were starting but talking to Menlo. T.J. asks him that he helps Miss Lemon with the flag raising ceremony every week, which Menlo confirms that it is correct. Vince adds that Menlo does so as Miss Lemon's helper. Menlo cuts him off as he is not her helper, and he is her aide. Vince explains to him that Menlo gets to see the list of who gets to sing the National Anthem as Miss Lemon's aide. Menlo tells Vince and Spinelli to go behind the yellow line and warns that the counter area is for office personnel only. Spinelli asks what if next week and Ronnie and Carl's name just happened to appear on the list, which makes Menlo drop the stack of paperwork he is holding. Menlo gets worried that if Miss Lemon ever found out he did that, she would take away his filing privileges for life. It is because it is alphabetical order only. T.J. explains that this is really important to him and the gang, as Menlo picks up the paperwork, and tells him to do this for them and they'll do something for them. Menlo asks that depends on what. Vince responds about anything and tells him to tell them what he wants, and they will take care of it. Menlo agrees and explains that he wants to carry Ashley A's book home for her after school and she is different from the other Ashleys, that hair, the way her name sounds, Ashley A. Best girl in filing in his heart. Vince says goodbye to him and wishes him good luck, but T.J. explains that this may be doable.
Out on the playground, the gang started looking around for the Ashleys, eventually finding them in a circle braiding each other's hair and explained the situation to Ashley A, who asks that all she has to do is let Menlo carry her books from school to the corner of her street. T.J. responds that is all. Ashley A adds that she can cover them in plastic, so he did not actually touch them. Gretchen adds that she and the gang would be happy to wrap them themselves. Ashley A refuses, making the other Ashleys laugh. T.J. encourages and asks her that has she not ever wanted something she could not have. The Ashleys responds that as if. Ashley B explains that there is nothing that she and the other Ashleys want that they don't have. Ashley A gets horrified that there was a snail, making the other Ashleys run away in disgust. Ashley A reluctantly agrees and gives the gang and explains that she is nothing she wants but there is something she needs. She tells them about her little Brittany stole her diary and she could blackmail him forever with just pages five through eight. She enlists the gang to get it back and she will let Menlo carry her books. Spinelli states, “One little diary, piece of cake.” Vince asks Ashley A where her sister is. Ashley A confirms that her sister is in kindergarten.
In kindergarten, the kindergartners had tied up Susan. The gang looks out from a bush at the kindergartners playing. Vince is unhappy that he and the gang can't believe Ashley A's sister is in kindergartner. T.J. determines that Ashley A is in kindergarten and she and the gang had got to do it. Spinelli says that Mikey must appreciate this, as she walks out of the bush to the kindergarteners, getting their attention. She announces that she comes from the land of the big kids who ride two wheelers, and she comes for a formal sit down with she who goes by the name of Brittany. When she finished, four girls walk forward. Spinelli notices Brittany A, and three of the girls walk away. Spinelli berates Brittany A for taking her big sister's writing book and orders her to give it back. Spinelli would give her candy, which makes her shake his head. She would give her money, which makes her shake her head again. Spinelli promises that she will give her anything she wants. Brittany A thinks her big sister's diary is very valuable and has a big price tag. She thinks she has a big dream. So, the gang decide to go to see King Bob.
When they get to see King Bob and explain that Brittany A wants something. King Bob gets shocked and outraged that Brittany A does so after the gang explained the situation. Vince explains that it is just once. T.J. explains that every little kid wants to sit on a big kid's chair at one point or another. King Bob agrees but asks that Brittany A would sit on his throne. T.J. pleads to him to grant him and the gang a request and they will never bother him again. Furious, he orders the guards to take the gang to the dodgeball wall. As two guards grab T.J. by his arms, T.J. reasons that it is Mikey's dream to be a Safety Ranger. Spinelli encourages King Bob that he must have had a dream at some point in his life and it is part of being a kid. One of the guards' scoffs at the idea is ridiculous and crazy. Before he could finish, he and his companion got interrupted by King Bob who tells them to leave after realizing that the gang is right. Two guys put T.J. down before leaving. King Bob agrees that the great king like him has a dream. Once just once he wishes there was somebody who would like him for what is on the inside, not his royal title and someone who will look past the crown and the jersey and see just plain Bob, the regular kid he is underneath, he would give the gang anything, if they could just give him a real friend. Vince tells King Bob might as well get the dodgeball punishment over with. T.J. thinks that there might a be a way.
Later, every kid has a dream. King Bob is playing with a puppy. The puppy is licking his face, making him laugh, while Brittany A sits on King Bob's throne. Brittany A then takes out Ashley A’s diary and throws it down to her, which left Ashley A to oily her books, plastic wrapped, to Menlo who follows her. With all that done Carl and Ronnie get to be able to sing the National Anthem at the flag raising ceremony which meant that Mikey is finally able to get the Safety Rangers uniform and sash, as Captain Brad reluctantly gives Mikey the Safety Rangers uniform and sash before he scoots off in a huff. Everyone gives cheers to Mikey.
Mikey allows some kids to cross the road. Spinelli is impressed with Mikey for doing so as she and the gang stand on the sidewalk watching him. T.J. is impressed, as it starts to rain, making the five friends go inside. T.J. comments that were a good thing they did making Mikey's dream come true. Gretchen states that they think about it, they made a lot of kids' dreams come true. Gus adds that best of all and they helped a pal, as they all reach the cafeteria however when they open the door, they were all shocked to see Mikey in there, back in his normal clothes. The gang run up to Mikey, and Spinelli asks him what he is doing. Mikey responds that he is eating a Milker Dinger and asks if the gang wants it. Gus was shocked and told Mikey that he is supposed to be outside helping little kids cross the street. Mikey replies that he was but admits that he quit, much to his friends' shock. Mikey explains that he wasn't cut from the cloth after all. Spinelli gets angry that Mikey isn't after all and how they went through for nothing, as T.J. puts his hand on her shoulder stopping her before she walks forward. T.J. tells Mikey that he didn't even do it one whole day. Mikey complains that it was a rotten day because he has got to get up early, miss breakfast, and it rained. Also, when he tried to stop kids from skateboarding, they spit at him. T.J. insists that it was Mikey's dream. Mikey insists that it wasn’t anymore, and he now has a new dream. He was reading a magazine, that means he wants to be a jet pilot, and tells his friends about how the guys fly around in the clouds. As he finishes talking, he notices the gang has left from the cafeteria. Mikey wonders where everybody went, looking around and not seeing his friends anywhere. The doors swings back and forth hinting that the gang left and not wanting to go through that again.
- Coloring/continuity error: When Ashley A. is telling the gang about Brittany A., her eyebrows are black. After the gang says that they are going to get her diary back, her eyebrows are blonde.
- Animation/continuity error: While the Ashleys says, "Ew!", one of Ashley Q.'s eyebrows disappears for a frame.
- Animation/continuity error: When Mikey starts to say that the first thing, he ever did is to wake up early and miss breakfast in the morning, his mouth disappears for a frame.
- Animation/continuity error: In the shot of Spinelli, where she says "Well, what if next week, Cal and Ronnie's just happen to appear on the list?", Vince does not appear near her where he is supposed to in the previous shot. He reappears afterwards.
- The only Brittany with a solo speaking role is Brittany A.
- Miss Finster and Principal Prickly only appeared at the Flag ceremony while covering their ears as Carl and Ronnie sing off-key.
- Bradley looking for "a few good kids" refers to the United States Marine Corps slogan "a few good men."
- Captain Brad, Menlo, and the Brittanys, the younger sisters of the Ashleys, debut in this episode.
- However, after the Brittany's debut, they are no longer referred to by name.
- This was the final episode written by Lesa Kite.
Foreign Dub Titles[]
- Dutch: "Klaar-over Mikey" ("Crossing Guard Mikey")
- French: "Le rêve de Mikey" ("Mikey's Dream")
- German: "Schülerlotse Mikey" ("Crossing Guard Mikey")
- Italian: "Il sogno di una vita" ("The Dream of a Lifetime")
- Polish: "Oficer Mikey" ("Officer Mikey")
- T.J. Detweiler - Ross Malinger
- Vince LaSalle - Rickey D'Shon Collins
- Ashley Spinelli - Pamela Segall-Adlon
- Gretchen Grundler - Ashley Johnson
- Mikey Blumberg - Jason Davis
- Gus Griswald - Courtland Mead
- Ashley Armbruster/Brittany Armbruster - Anndi McAfee
- Ashley Boulet - Francesca Smith
- Ashley Quinlan/Ashley Tomassian - Rachel Crane
- King Bob - Toran Caudell
- Menlo - Blake Ewing
- Captain Brad - Erik von Detten
- King Bob's Guard/Safety Rangers - Justin Shenkarow
- Kid - Ryan O'Donohue
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