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"The Big Prank" is the second episode of the fourth season of Recess, which was first broadcast on September 12th, 1999.



T.J. tries to prank King Bob so he can win the king's old title of Prankster Prince.

Main Story []

The episode starts with T.J. pranking Randall into getting covered with oatmeal. When Randall tells King Bob, the latter reveals to The Recess Gang that he too was a practical joker during the reign of King Sid. T.J.'s goal to become the Prankster Prince: to pull a practical joke on King Bob.

T.J.'s friends think he can do it, but T.J. himself is not so sure. Indeed, every time T.J. tries to pull a prank on King Bob, King Bob outwits him. The result: T.J. becomes King Bob's fanner boy... until King Bob inadvertently sits on T.J.'s whoopie cushion.



  • Cornchip Girl is voiced by E.G. Daily in this episode instead of Aria Noelle Curzon.
  • In this episode, Vince makes a rash decision on T.J.'s behalf just as T.J. did for Gus in "Dodgeball City".   
  • The episode continues from "The Madness of King Bob".   
  • This is the only episode where Muriel Finster does not appear to catch T.J. pranking any other students, but if she appeared in this episode, she would have sent him right over to the time-out wall, the box, or even detention.
  • Moral: Pranks are funny, only when everyone is laughing.


  • The scene in which T.J. walks up to King Bob carrying a giant tree branch up the slide is similar to Jesus' crucifixion where he carries the cross up Calvary's Mountain.

International Information[]

  • This was the first episode of the third season in the Japanese dub.



Photos The Recess Wiki has a collection of images about The Big Prank