Recess Wiki
Recess Wiki
The Pale Kids
Pale Kids
Team Information
Leader Frank
Members Frank

The Pale Kids are a group of kids who choose to stay indoors during recess. They are called pale kids, because they are supposedly paler than the other kids, due to hardly getting any sunlight. They spend their recess in Room 51, playing games and reading comic books.



The leader of the Pale Kids and formelly known as 'Tiny' Sedgewick. His nickname is his own name backwards, "Knarf". He does this when also refering to his other friends as well, such as J.T. and Vince. Frank is the D&D master and his character is The Swordmaster.


Frank's right hand man in the gang. He wears a yellow shirt with a black alien silhouette, blue trousers and purple square glasses. His D&D character is Yendor the Barbarian.


Arguably the nerdiest one in the gang. Short with wide circle glasses, blue lab like coat and a bow tie. His D&D character is Evets the Cleric.


Carl has braces and ginger hair that covers his eyes. He only speaks in gibberish, with only the other Pale Kids knowing what he's saying. His D&D character is Lrac the Ogre.


The Pale Kids first make their appearance in the episode "Lord of the Nerds". When T.J. injures his collarbone, he has to spend his recess in room 51, until his shoulder has healed again. Here T.J. meets Frank and his friends. At first T.J. refuses to acknowledge them.

However, when the pale kids appear to be fans of Señor Fusion, like T.J. himself, they become friends. T.J. shares his comic book-collection with the pale kids and the pale kids teach T.J. all about the boardgame Daggers & Dragons. When T.J.'s shoulder is healed, the pale kids take T.J. to Comicopolis; the world's largest comic book store, as a token of the friendship they developed. T.J. in return, asked the kids to play a game of kickball with him and the gang.

At the kickball field, they are laughed at by Lawson. At one point, Lawson and Frank call each other geek, after which Lawson decides that he will do to Frank, what Frank did to Tiny Sedgewick. The pale kids, knowing that Frank and Tiny Sedgewick are both the same individual, found this remark amusing. Lawson however was unpleasantly surprised, learning that Tiny Sedgewick would rather hang out with the pale kids instead of him. After their encounter with Lawson, the pale kids decided that they'd rather spend recess indoors, to avoid similar confrontations.

The pale kids also had a small appearance in "Spinelli's Masterpiece". When Miss Finster wanted to wash away Spinelli's chalk piece, which she made on the blacktop, T.J. asked the help of the pale kids. They used a satellite to view Spinelli's piece and later managed to contact one Colette Decoupage, an art-lover.

The pale kids also returned in "Nobody Doesn't Like T.J." When T.J. found out that Gordy didn't like him, he got them both in detention during recess. During this detention, T.J. gave Gordy a tour of the school through the ventilation shafts. This included a visit to Room 51. Frank asked T.J. if he had any news from the outside and T.J. showed Gordy the stock of comic books the pale kids had. The pale kids were also testing a new game called 'Daggers and Dragons 3000', for the company which developed the game. Frank found the game very amusing.

They also appeared in "Me No Know", when Vince went to hang with them hoping that they had not seen a film that all the kids were going on about, that he hadn't. Unfortunately for him, the Pale Kids had. This was the last appearance of the Pale Kids.


Where most kids find an indoor recess torture, the pale kids actually like to spend their recess indoors. This is because their hobbies mostly involve indoor activities, like playing fantasy-games, reading comic books and playing with their constructobots. They also tend to find life on the playground to be rough and even somewhat threatening, given Lawson's attitude towards them. The pale kids also appear to be quite intelligent and seem to value intelligence from other students, since they knew Gretchen Grendler and even admired her.

The pale kids might come off as strange, or geeky, but they are actually very friendly, as they were eager to get to know T.J., when he first entered room 51. They also appear to be quite loyal as friends. When T.J. wanted to prevent Miss Finster from washing away Spinelli's chalk piece, the pale kids immediately came to T.J.'s aid.


  • The Pale Kids, amongst other characters or events from the television show Recess, have become an internet meme. This was mostly due to their dorky nature and overall demeanour.
  • The Pale Kids have a wicked crush on Gretchen.
  • Frank is voiced by Eddie Deezen who also voices Mandark in Dexter's Laboratory & Larry from Lloyd in Space.
  • Steve is voiced by Pamela Hayden who also voices Lance The Pants and Douglas McNoggin in Lloyd in Space